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Saturday, March 8, 2014


I am always on the lookout for books that teach honestly, truthfully and effectively. They have often been hard to find.  Stephen K. Hayes is well known in the Ninjutsu community and in the martial arts field and has numerous books and videos on Ninjutsu. I have read most of his books and seen several of his dvds.  I like Mr. Hayes approach and teaching methods. His coaching skills are excellent and very professional. Most importantly any good coach or instructor has to have the ability to communicate with his students and get his points across.

There are many things to like about this book. Besides the clear instructions and the color photos showing each technique, this book also includes an excellent (almost 70 minutes) DVD which reinforces the techniques and tactics explained in the book.  The book and Dvd set approaches the subject of self-defense in a unique and interesting way. Mr. Hayes has created a simple and effective method for the average person to avoid trouble and defend themselves in numerous situations by applying traditional principles of ninjutsu to the possible conflicts we may find ourselves in today’s world.

“The Ninja Defense” covers preparation for real threats and not just from a physical aspect but from a mental and psychological aspects as well , making the choice to fight, winning mentality, how danger escalates.  Also  defense postures, five phases of the fight, forward strikes and kicks, front arm captures and restraints, front body holds and restraints, captures and restraints from behind.

Mr. Hayes is open and honest that this is level one training or a beginner level and that there is more, much more to learn.  I believe this to be for anyone interested in learning a simple and effective self-defense method but also for the serious martial artist.

The material on the DVD ties in directly with what you're reading in the book and brings it to life. The DVD shows each technique numerous times and again the instruction by Mr. Hayes and his instructors are clear and concise. The teaching and coaching style again is excellent I see a lot of positive reinforcement which makes for a more productive presentation of his modern ninjutsu applications.

The last chapter deals with why the ninja approach may in our day and time be better than the samurai approach. Ninjutsu has very little to do with proving yourself the toughest guy on the block at every chance.  Mr. Hayes applies traditional ninjutsu to modern self defense as well as takes into account things like the laws we live under.  The Ninja Defense by Stephen Hayes book and DVD  is full of quality information and quality instruction and for the price is an absolute steal.