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Saturday, December 31, 2022


 The Split Step Entry (Kodokan Judo)

Other entries into judo throws include the Split-Step entry and the Back-Step entry. Both allow you to step deeper in between your opponent’s feet allowing for maximum leverage. The Split entries can be utilized in different scenarios addressing different types of attacks from different angles. It will also allow you to make adjustments during the course of the execution of a throw if your opponent tries to step back or away from a throw either incidentally or purposefully.

Split Step Entry Shoulder Throw 

1.) As you step forward with the right foot to the top of the triangle punch in your grip with your left hand. 

2.) Grab the gi and pull with your left hand at he same time bring your left foot up next to your right foot. 

3.) Step forward between the opponent’s feet with your right foot through the triangle and pivot on the left foot. Your right arm moves under his right arm and pinches his arm between your bicep and forearm at his arm pit. The toes of both feet should be pointing in the direction of the top of the triangle. 

4.) The left foot moves in between the opponent’s feet. The toes of your left foot should be in line with the base line of the triangle. As the left foot moves back his feet should lift up off the ground. To finsh the throw twist your upper body bring your right elbow to your left hip. 

Split Entry Back Hammer Fist to Shoulder Throw

1.) The attacker is standing right side forward and has his hands up like a boxer. The defender is also right side forward in his fighting posture. Your knees are slightly bent and your left heel is raised slightly off the floor. 

2.) The attacker throws a right roundhouse punch. Your left foot quickly shifts back and in line with the right foot as you pivot counter clockwise on the ball of the right foot (this pattern of movement moves you away from his incoming punch and sets ups a split entry shoulder throw). Simultaneously, and without any draw back execute a right inward thrusting hammer fist to the attacker’s punching arm. Your left hand stays up close to the left side of your chin.

3.) Step forward slightly with the left foot toward 12 o’clock and then step deeper between the opponent's feet with your right foot dropping your hips lower than the opponent's hips. As you step your lead foot in between the opponent’s feet, your right hand travels in a tight arc downward to deliver a right back hammer fist to the opponent's groin. Your left hand remains chambered at your right shoulder.

NOTE: Split entry footwork  

2a.                                               2b.                                                      3a.              
2a.) The left foot quickly shifts back and in line with the right foot as you pivot counter clockwise on the ball of the right foot (this pattern of movement moves you away from his incoming punch and sets ups a split entry shoulder throw) as your block makes contact.  2b.) To move in for the back Hammer fist your left foot steps up toward your right foot. 3.) Step forward past the base line of the triangle with your right foot. As your right foot lands with the toes pointing toward the apex of the triangle your back hammer fist makes contact.

7.) As the opponent begins to double over from the back hammer fist to the groin, the left hand checks hard at the opponent’s right shoulder. Upon impact of the check grab his clothing with the left hand at the area struck. This strike should be hard enough to disrupt his posture backward. Pull the opponent into you with the left hand, pull the opponent into you as you pull. pivot. The toes of both feet should be pointing toward 6 o’clock. 

5.) As you pull bring your right arm up under his right arm at his arm pit. Pinch his right arm  between your right bicep and forearm. Step your left foot back next to your right foot and between your opponent’s feet. 

NOTE: As you step back with your left foot your opponent’s feet should start coming off the ground.

6.) Straighten your legs and bend at the waist popping your hips up and lifting him into the air (this is an explosive movement). Keeping your grip on the opponent, continue the pull twisting your upper body bringing your left elbow to your left hip to finish the throw.