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Sunday, August 18, 2024


The USJA rationale behind this new reciprocity of BJJ rank to judo initiative is because according to Rhadi Ferguson, "judo and BJJ are basically the same". Well hush my mouth and smack my thigh, it must be true, the USJA has DEEMED it so. 

But are Judo and BJJ really the same? 

Even though BJJ is derived from judo... they went two very different and distinctive directions. For BJJ a lot of innovation in the ground game was made as the style moved forward. For Judo a lot of innovation in the stand up game was made. These innovations were to the point that they are now quite different sports and martial arts today.

Back in the day there wasn't such a thing as reciprocity of BJJ rank to judo. Even today the IBJJF International Brazilian Jiujitsu Federation offers no reciprocity for a judoka to gain rank in BJJ. If my BJJ history regarding Carlson Gracie BJJ serves me at one time CG senior required his BJJ black belts to go TRAIN in judo to EARN their black belts in judo. This meant going to a judo school and learning Judo. Period. 

As a 5th degree black belt in judo who has one stripe on his BJJ white belt, I have no desire other than to earn my blue belt in BJJ in Carlson Gracie BJJ. I have no desire to be fast tracked or made exception for because of my rank in judo. Putting on a white belt is more of a mindset than anything, it means that you are willing to put the work in, willing to change the way you might do some things, willing to learn and grow. 


The intent behind inclusivity and reciprocity should be to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for judo, not to dilute its essence. Shaving time, skipping rank isn't creating a higher level judoka or higher level throwing skills.

While I see the value in bridging communities and providing pathways for BJJ practitioners, I believe that the integrity of judo is to be maintained......AT ALL COSTS. Other wise integrity and value is lost. It's vital to focus on the quality of education and the depth of understanding, rather than merely increasing the number of black belts to financially bolster an organization.  

According to Rhadi Ferguson and David Brogan BJJ black belts will be allowed to skip rank, by pass the years of training and skip the formal training and simply test out with nothing more than a rudimentary knowledge of judo history and Japanese terminology for a black belt in judo. Judo history and terminology are covered through the written portion of the current USJA rank examination. Well.... that's real challenging. Elevating skill level in judo isn't done by merely being allowed to test out for a rank. We should aim to cultivate true practitioners of Judo who are not only knowledgeable about the naming of throws and history but that embody the principles and techniques of JUDO. 

I'm more interested in how we can enhance each other's game, leveling up each others game create better judoka and better BJJ players. I don't see any type of method of testing out of a rank or easy path created for a BJJ black belt that will level up his stand up game. That is the purpose right? To take judo to get better in stand up. What about a judo black belt taking BJJ to level up his or her ground game? How is merely testing out of the Brazilian jiujitsu terminology and history make their ground game any better? 

Is the hope here that after a black belt in BJJ tests for his Black belt in judo that he will then commit himself to judo or is it more likely he will continue to do BJJ but he is just dually ranked on paper? Or are we just doing our BJJ brothers and sisters a favor? Don't rightly see how taking a written exam makes your physical skills any better. I'm sure the rank hounds will get a chubby. For the USJA it comes of more like a way for the organization to make money. I m convinced they will make money short term but not long term. It will have a very negative effect on judo as a whole.

My BJJ teacher Andrew is a bb in BJJ he has trained 3 years with me he is yonkyu in judo. I have been at Carlson Gracie Winter Haven for a little over two. I don't know when my blue is coming but it will be earned not given.

There is no real appreciation for rank that isn't worked hard for even if its a kyu rank. What does this new policy say to those those judoka who have been required to jump through hoops of the USJA requirements and standards, take multiple tests, pay multiple fees, be expected to execute throws at a certain level at each rank from white belt on up...FOR YEARS? 

The USJA is not growing judo they are growing the organization. Indeed the Judo organization, USA Judo, USJA and USJF are in trouble, membership is down. Mostly because they priced themselves out and haven't followed through for their own life long judo members. They are more interested in keeping money in their pockets. So selling Yudanshukai rank to NON JUDOKA is now the USJA's standard policy. What's next sell judo Yudanshukai rank to Black Belts in karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu?

The true growth of judo comes from the individual instructor and what they are doing in there own communities. The orgs have become obsolete due to their own long history of mismanagement. 

The individual instructor gets no recognition for all the time and efforts into running a chartered program or hosting a "sanctioned" event. Committees or those who sit on boards aren't responsible for what the instructor does in their community. Joining the orgs is tantamount to them just stepping in and taking all the credit for the individual instructors hard work. And then taxing that instructor for their efforts. The return for the instructor joining an org is little.

Lastly, through the USJA a BJJ instructor who has simply tested out for their judo rank can now offer and give their students ranks in BJJ and judo.  Now the door has been opened that will make it more difficult for the sole judo program, club or school to thrive. For the judo instructor who teaches at a BJJ school, there is no need for him. The BJJ instructor has been dually ranked in judo through this new reciprocity, so he can continue to teach BJJ the way he or she always have with zero to little judo being formally taught.

According to USJA President, Dave Brogan a black belt in BJJ would reciprocate to brown belt in judo. The problem is here is that I have seen BJJ black belts 1st stripe and up struggling dealing with new brown belts in a tournament. 

So the questions that really remains are: Is this actually bettering judo or bettering BJJ? Is it creating a pool that will make the sport of Judo better? Are they growing Judo or merely just growing the organization? 

I honestly cant see someone who has worked hard for years to attain rank in BJJ would even expect that simply learning history and Japanese terminology magically grants them a black belt or ANY rank in Judo. It certainly doesn't make their throws and grappling skills better.  Why would any Black belt BJJ practitioner respect anything about judo when we tell them to just pass this written exam and we will give you can by pass every rank to brown belt. Since when would you Just GIVE Any rank away...even a kyu rank

Judo is being sold out by this new USJA reciprocity initiative. I don't see this new rank reciprocity policy as anything other than a money grab for the organization. It certainly isn't about preserving Judo, Period.

If you're a BJJ black belt who wants to learn judo...just put a white belt on and go learn learn judo. If you are a judo black belt who wants to learn BJJ put on a white belt and go learn BJJ.

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