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Friday, July 14, 2023


One handed hand on belt seoi nage throwing drill

There are facts and there is the truth! Then there is the shit that has spewed out of Bret Gordon's mouth online. For example, in 2020 Brett Gordon wrote a defamatory article about my judo background. Gordon ignored all then current credentials then purposely and willfully fabricated his entire article, in an attempt to damage my reputation. In short Gordon fucking lied. 

I am sure Gordon tries to feign some sort of innocence and tells people that he didn't do anything and that he doesn't know what my issue is with him. However, Gordon stated in his blog article that a USJA state level 1 coaching credential (pictured left) that I had earned in 1998 was fake. In fact it was only expired as I had let my USJA membership lapse. However that didn't mean my credential wasn't still valid. Gordon intentionally ignored all my still current judo credentials in 2020 and used the expired credential to build his bed of false information concerning my back ground. Gordon claimed I was fake and then went on to write that my original judo instructor, Terry Tucker, was a fictitious non existent person. 

Gordon implied that I promoted myself by forging or fabricating NGB certificates and signatures of  the person(s) who Gordon stated were fictitious.  Gordon intentionally ignored the Winter Haven judo club's blog where there were pictures of myself and Mr. Tucker from a 1997 news paper article online in a 2008 blog post. Terry Tucker was clearly identified in the 1997 news article and shown to be my instructor and myself as his assistant instructor. 

Gordon tried to imply in an edit he made in July of 2020 that I  lied about my sandan rank in 2020. Gordon wrote that since the writing of his article in may of 2020 that I "obtained the Sandan rank that I previously claimed to have". My sandan rank was already earned, validated, verified and recognized thru USA Judo in 2018, two years prior to Gordon writing his defamatory article (date of recieved sandan circled in red below). 

USA JUDO - SANDAN - AUG. 27 2018

The only thing that happened in 2020 was that my coaching status changed from state level coach to National Level coach in the United States Judo Association (USJA) and then in USA Judo, two of the three National Governing Bodies for Judo in the US. Gordon wasn't concerned with telling anything that was remotely close to the truth. The truth would prove my legitimacy and Gordon would rather lie than be proven wrong.  

Gordon also stated in his article that he did not know me or know who I was. Gordon did indeed know who I was and what I was teaching. Three years prior to writing his article, Gordon sent a private message to me on Facebook in 2017. 

2017 FaceBook message from Bret Gordon

I have been doing judo since before Gordon was even born. My entire Judo back ground was meticulously documented through the NGBs from kyu ranks onward, still Gordon continued with lies and slander in later articles. He didn't stop there either, later in several posts, Gordon started accusing me of being an anonymous blogger by the name of Greysmith. Gordon wanted Greysmith to come after me. I believe Gordon wanted to paint me as a the fraud busters would go after me instead instead of exposing him more and more. In one of these articles Gordon posted a picture of Greysmith claiming it was me. Gordon blew up the picture of the guys arm on his blog and even demanded to see my arms (pictured below). 

There isn't a pretender that I am afraid of. They re all wannabes. We called them pussies back in my day and quite frankly they all are.  I got zero problems telling ANY of them that to their faces. There is a saying birds of a feather flock together. Tough guys don't hang out with candy asses. Pussies surround themselves with people who are more pussy than they are. There isn't a mother fucker out there that I would hide my face from. Much less hide my arms from a pretender who can only run his meat sucker. 

So Bret, do my arms make your vagina wet?

Gordon even claimed he was capable of doing what I could do physically. I doubt he could even come close and I am 30 years older than Gordon. Gordon has never been in the kind of shape I am at almost 60 a day of his life. What I had to do to overcome takes hard work, dedication and sheer fucking will, a will that is preternatural.  Which are things Gordon doesn't have. He's a candy ass. The only thing Gordon can probably do is compete in local pie eating contests.  

Gordon has even claimed on multiple posts he has no problem getting on the mat and proving his skills to anyone who doubts him. Well I do doubt anything that spews from Gordon's mouth. Gordon posted the following on Hatfield's old article Fantasy, Narcissism and Lack of Honor in the NGBs......

I am going to call Gordon on his shit talk here. Bragging about being in the company of high level judoka (pictured above) does NOT make Gordon a judoka. He certainly doesnt prove his claims are true. Attending a clinic and posing with legit judoka doesn't mean anything in and of itself. I have a picture of myself as a brown belt in judo attending a Gracie Seminar back in the 90s. I have a picture of Royce Gracie coaching me in the guard (picture below) but that didn't make me his student nor did it make me a BJJ practitioner of any level. As awesome of an experience as it just meant I attended a Gracie seminar. 

Trying to ride the coat tails of high level judoka doesn't make Gordon or his instructor legitimate nor does it validate the ranks they claim to have in judo. YOU VALIDATE YOUR RANK AND SKILL BY GETTING ON THE MAT! ITS CALLED RANDORI!

Interestingly enough, Gordon went on to write (highlighted on screen cap 3 paragraphs above) that the only thing that "matters is what you can do on the mat". You certainly don't see Bret exhibiting any real Judo skills at all. He certainly wont get on the mat with me. I think it is pertinent to mention here that Gordon literally brags about "having worked with several high level judoka" in the screencap, yet he isn't even man enough to get on the mat with the guy he called a judo fraud. I guess that's "Kuntei Judo" for ya. 

Gordon wrote a lot of untrue stuff about me and he knows it. He flat out fucking lied! He knows I am a legitimate Judoka. Gordon has an open invitation to come by and randori ANY TIME. All sessions are videoed! I am NOT threatening Gordon or challenging Gordon to a fist fight. I am NOT threatening to beat him up, knock him out or injure the guy. I am just talking about getting on the mat to randori.....But Gordon is too scared to even do that!

The real reason Bret Gordon wont get on the mat with me is that he knows I would make a fool out of him him in seconds on the mat. AND I DO MEAN SECONDS! Gordon knows that he would be embarrassed and unequivocally exposed to ALL as someone who is totally unskilled at judo. 

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